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Dear Colleagues and Friends,
On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your active participation in all scientific sessions and the social events of the 4th FEBS Advanced Lecture Course “Matrix Pathobiology, Signaling and Molecular Targets”, held at Kos International Convention Center, 26th September - 1st October 2013.
The scientific sessions, which included invited lectures, selected talks, poster presentations/panel discussions and speakers’ corners, thanks to your very active participation and interest, were all superb. Moreover, the social events created a very friendly atmosphere for interactions between the participants as well as the young scientists with the outstanding experts.
The success of this meeting inaugurates forthcoming events in this scientific field and I would be grateful you’re joining us in future events.
Nikos Karamanos
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is a pleasure to invite you to the 4th FEBS Advanced Lecture Course on Matrix Pathobiology, Signaling and Molecular Targets (4th FEBS-MPST 2013), which follows the previous successful FEBS-MPST 2011, 2009 and 2007 meetings.
Matrix Biology is a fast growing field with significant impact in all areas of Biosciences. Based on the great advances that have occurred during the last years in the field of matrix pathobiology and the increasing research interest on matrix organization and the matrix-mediated regulation of the various cell functions, the FEBS-MPST 2013 will offer oral sessions with invited plenary lectures, general lectures and tutorials, selected talks related to the topics of the presented abstracts, participant poster presentations, panel discussions and speakersʼ corner. These sessions will address both basic and applied science topics that appeal to the range of participants working in the fields of Matrix Biology, Glycobiology, Biochemistry, Structural Biology, Cell and Molecular Biology, Pharmacology, Biotechnology and Medicine.
The organizing committee has put together an outstanding group of internationally recognized speakers. The lectures and tutorials will provide you with an update of important new knowledge covering key areas of the field.
The most important goal of the FEBS-MPST 2013 meeting is to bring together scientists from life sciences on an important and rapidly developing scientific field and to create the environment for a superb science, warm collegiality, and an all-around rewarding experience during this special time of year.
We are looking forward to welcome you in Greece for an exciting and memorable scientific meeting.
Nikos Karamanos
Chairman of the Organizing Committee
To be eligible for a YTF grant, individuals should apply with an abstract, a 1-page curriculum vitae and one letter of recommendation. The candidates should include with the application their full address, phone and fax numbers and their e-mail address. All applications for YTF grants must be made via the application/registration form. Verification of a FEBS constituent society membership as well as a letter of recommendation must be sent by e-mail attachment to the FEBS-MPST2013 secretariat:
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